Corefig for Windows Server 2012 Core and Hyper-V Server 2012
I’ll admit it.
I have spent very little time learning PowerShell. I fall back to the comfort of the Explore shell or using other peoples PowerShell scripts. For those of you diving into Microsoft Server Core can attest, not knowing PowerShell is kind of an issue.
Server Core lacks a GUI and configuration needs to be completed leveraging PowerShell.
Thank you open source community for creating Corefig.
Corefig provides a GUI to the configuration scripts which means I can continue to ignore learning PowerShell just to stand up Server Core. Yea!
Corefig provides access to Computer Settings, Network Settings, License Settings, the Control Panel, and basic Hyper-V Settings.
This is great tool for admins kicking the tires on Server 2012 while learning about Core features and limitations.
Tags: computer settings, control panel, core features, little time, microsoft, microsoft server, network settings, open source community, shell, windows server