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Create a Logical Volume, EXT4 filesystem, mounted mount point and NFS export all via Puppet

I was building a NFS server for our users home directories to work with our FreeIPA implementation, and instead of setting up a logical volume, filesystem and mount point manually I decided to do it via Puppet. Since Puppet is our configuration management engine of choice, I might as well make something that’s reusable, right?

In our environment, we use a Puppet module called Profile, this profile module allows us to create puppet manifests for individual servers, something like this:


This allows us to use one specific manifest for each server rather than each server having its own independent module.

For this server (nfs.pp), I’m going to use the puppetlabs-lvm puppet module, and the haraldsk/nfs puppet modules. I then create my nfs.pp manifest in my profile Puppet module manifests directory, to look like this:

Here I specify the name of the manifest, and any includes.

class profile::nfs {
 include nfs::server

Here I ensure that /srv/nfs is a directory that gets created or already exists on the filesystem.

file { "/srv/nfs":
 ensure => "directory",

Here I specify a Physical Volume (/dev/sdb1), Volume Group (vg_data), Logical Volume (nfs), and the LV size (480G). In this module I can also specify the mount point (/srv/nfs) and make it required (true).

class { 'lvm':
 volume_groups => {
 'vg_data' => {
 physical_volumes => [ '/dev/sdb1' ],
 logical_volumes => {
 'nfs' => {
 'size' => '480G',
 'mountpath' => '/srv/nfs',
 'mountpath_require' => true,

Here I create the entry in /etc/exports for /srv/nfs with the appropriate options that I wanted.

nfs::export {
 clients => '*',
 options => ['rw', 'insecure', 'sync', 'all_squash', 'no_wdelay', ]

Here is the full nfs.pp Puppet manifest:

class profile::nfs {
        include nfs::server

file { "/srv/nfs":
        ensure => "directory",

class { 'lvm':
  volume_groups    => {
    'vg_data' => {
      physical_volumes => [ '/dev/sdb1' ],
      logical_volumes  => {
        'nfs' => {
          'size'              => '480G',
          'mountpath'         => '/srv/nfs',
          'mountpath_require' => true,

nfs::export {
      clients => '*',
        options => ['rw', 'insecure', 'sync', 'all_squash', 'no_wdelay', ]

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