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Open Stack

How do you operationalize OpenStack?

So after “living with OpenStack” for a couple months now, I’ve been taking notes and such, figured I’d share them. This view is from a managed services environment, but an enterprise view would be ok as well. Our OpenStack architecture cannot, and will-not look like our Vmware architecture where each hypervisor node also provides storage, […]

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Posted in Cloud, Coud Security, Networking, Open Compute, Open Stack, SmartCloud, SmartCloud Orchestrator, vCAC, Virtualization, vmware | No Comments »

Using haproxy as a load balancer for OpenStack services on RedHat OpenStack

Configuring RedHat OpenStack to be highly available is not like VMware where you just enable a couple features, check some boxes and voila! Quite the contrary… In fact; configuring RedHat OpenStack to be highly available is quite elegant. Lets look at it like this. You quite a few services that make up OpenStack as a […]

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Posted in Linux, Neutron, Nova, OCP, Open Compute, Open Stack, Virtualization | 2 Comments »

OpenStack Havana – Fix for Unable to launch the instance due to “No valid host was found”

When trying to launch a dual homed VM within OpenStack Havana, I would get an Error in the horizon interface. When looking in Nova, I would see the error below when running: nova show ‘instancename’ fault | {u’message’: u’No valid host was found. ‘, u’code’: 500 Which by itself its pretty damn ambiguous, I stared […]

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Posted in Linux, Networking, Neutron, Nova, Open Stack | 2 Comments »

Using virt-install to create a virtual machine template for OpenStack

Playing with KVM and OpenStack I wanted to create a custom Linux virtual machine template. The easiest way to do this is to first create a blank disk using the qemu-img command. qemu-img create -f qcow2 /path/to/systemname.qcow2 20G Here we specify the format as qcow2 with the -f switch, the path to where we want […]

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Posted in KVM, Linux, Open Stack | No Comments »

