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OpenCompute Winterfell RHEL/CentOS PXE boot over serial console

The main issue with installing OS’s on these Winterfell servers is the complete lack of video card :) Your only option is serial console using the USB > Serial header adapter. So the task is to install RedHat or CentOS (or other RHEL style OS’s) via PXE, with serial console only access. To do this, […]

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Posted in KVM, Linux, Open Stack, OpenCompute, Virtualization | 1 Comment »

Using virt-install to create a virtual machine template for OpenStack

Playing with KVM and OpenStack I wanted to create a custom Linux virtual machine template. The easiest way to do this is to first create a blank disk using the qemu-img command. qemu-img create -f qcow2 /path/to/systemname.qcow2 20G Here we specify the format as qcow2 with the -f switch, the path to where we want […]

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