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Using PowerShell to Install SNMP and configure Community, Location and Contact on Windows 2008

One of the steps needed to onboard a system into our monitoring tools is to configure SNMP. If the customer template does not have SNMP pre-configured, or is not using GPO to do it; it quickly becomes a painfully slow speed-bump. Last night I threw together the PowerShell script below to: Install SNMP services Configure SNMP […]

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Posted in Powershell, SNMP, Windows 2008 | No Comments »

Huge LACP Changes in ESX 5.5u1 from ESX 5.1

In vSphere 5.1, Link Aggregation Configuration Protocol (LACP) on the vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS) was configured on the Uplink Porgroup. There were basic options of enabled/disabled and active/passive. These options were configured like below:

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Posted in dVS, Networking, Virtualization, vmware | No Comments »

How do you operationalize OpenStack?

So after “living with OpenStack” for a couple months now, I’ve been taking notes and such, figured I’d share them. This view is from a managed services environment, but an enterprise view would be ok as well. Our OpenStack architecture cannot, and will-not look like our Vmware architecture where each hypervisor node also provides storage, […]

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Posted in Cloud, Coud Security, Networking, Open Compute, Open Stack, SmartCloud, SmartCloud Orchestrator, vCAC, Virtualization, vmware | No Comments »

OpenStack cloud-init cannot contact or ping to establish meta-data connection – fix

Using OpenStack Open vSwitch with VLAN’s removes a lot of the trickery involved with using public and private IP’s. That way each VM gets it’s own real IP address assigned to it. In this case, our network layout looks as such: That being said, the VM’s still need a way to get back to […]

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Posted in Cloud, Cloud-Init, Linux, Networking, Neutron, Open Stack | 2 Comments »

