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Monitoring Citrix Provisioning Server PerfMon stats using Windows PowerShell

In particular, the most common performance counters we care to look at are:
\Process(StreamProcess)\IO Data Operations/sec
\cache\copy read hits %

IOPS in particular because watching Stream Process will tell us how many IOPS PVS is creating.

Copy Read Hits (CRH) in particular because we need to make sure we are serving end-point IOPS directly from cache, not disk.

$outputArray = @()
$servers = get-content c:\comp.txt
foreach ($server in $servers)
$iops = "\Process(StreamProcess)\IO Data Operations/sec"
$cache = "\cache\copy read hits %"
$cachedata = get-counter -computername $server -counter $cache -sampleinterval 1 -maxsamples 1 | % { $_.counterSamples}
$iopdata = get-counter -computername $server -counter $iops -sampleinterval 1 -maxsamples 1 | % { $_.counterSamples}
$data = @{server=$server;cacheCookedValue=($Cachedata.Cookedvalue);iopCookedValue=($iopdata.Cookedvalue)}
$objData = New-Object PSObject -Property $data
$outputArray += $objData

#$outputArray | select-object server, cacheCookedValue, iopCookedValue

$outputArray | ft @{e={$_.server};l="Server"},@{e={$_.cacheCookedValue};l="Cache"},@{e={$_.iopCookedValue};l="Iops"} -auto

