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Installing vWorkspace 8.0 Beta on Windows Server 2012

After downloading the ZIP file and extracting it, start the install routine by leveraging the autorun.exe and run it as administrator. After acknowledging the UAC you will be presented the initial installation window. Click Install. vWorkspace checks for Windows installer 4.5 and .NET Framework. This screen is just a notification that these components will be […]

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Posted in Desktop Virtualization, VDI - Virtual Desktop, vWorkspace | 2 Comments »

Dell vWorkspace 8.0 Beta program

Last week, Dell announced the availability of the vWorkpsace 8.0 Beta program. I am a big fan of vWorkspace. vWorkspace is not tied down to a single virtualization platform and provides both virtual desktops and server based computing (TS/RDS) desktops/applications from a single architecture. In order to get your invite go to Michael Roth’s post […]

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Posted in VDI - Virtual Desktop, vWorkspace | 1 Comment »

