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Installing a active/passive MySQL database cluster for OpenStack Havana on RHEL 6.5

Since RHEL 6.5 does not ship with an Active/Active version of MySQL, you’re limited to using an Active/Passive configuration out of the box. There are other alternate methods, however; this is the supported configuration from RedHat. The requirements for creating an Active/Passive MySQL cluster are quite simple. You simply need shared storage. In this case, […]

Posted in Cloud, Linux, Open Stack, Virtualization, vmware | 1 Comment »

Configuring OpenStack Havana Cinder, Nova and Glance to run on GlusterFS

Configuring Glace, Cinder and Nova for OpenStack Havana to run on GlusterFS is actually quite simple; assuming that you’ve already got GlusterFS up and running. So lets first look at my Gluster configuration. As you can see below, I have a Gluster volume defined for Cinder, Glance and Nova. [root@g1 ~(keystone_admin)]# gluster volume info Volume […]

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Posted in Cloud, Linux, Open Compute, Open Stack, OpenCompute, Storage | 5 Comments »

Installing GlusterFS on RHEL 6.4 for OpenStack Havana (RDO)

The OpenCompute systems are the the ideal hardware platform for distributed filesystems. Period. Why? Cheap servers with 10GB NIC’s and a boatload of locally attached cheap storage! In preparation for deploying RedHat RDO on RHEL, the distributed filesystem I chose was GlusterFS. It’s simple and easy to deploy, and only takes a couple of minutes […]

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Posted in Cloud, Knox Unit, Linux, OCP, Open Compute, Open Stack, Open Vault, OpenCompute, Storage | 2 Comments »

VMware vSAN on Open Compute

As we all know, the largest cost component of virtualization is typically shared storage. Be it Fibre Channel, NAS or iSCSI, it’sĀ all expensive! Let alone a flash based array like Tinri or Whiptail. One of the use cases of our OCP (Open Compute Platform) Container (above) gear is to test VMware’s new vSAN product. With […]

Posted in Cloud, Desktop Virtualization, EMC, Knox Unit, MegaCLI, OCP, Open Compute, Open Stack, Open Vault, OpenCompute, Storage, View, Virtualization, vmware | 4 Comments »

