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Configure a datacenter mail relay through Office 365 based on Postfix using Puppet

When standing up a new greenfield environment, one of the first services you typically end up needing is an internal mail relay. We use Office 365, so we wanted to our mail relay to send mail through it. To do that I used Puppet along with a Puppet module from jlambert121, which you can find […]

Posted in Automation, Puppet, RHEL | No Comments »

SSH Key Mapping for AD Users authenticating against an IPA trust

Under IPA Server > ID Views > Default Trust View, add the LDAP user you want to override with POSIX settings. Then add the SSH public key to the user:

Posted in IPA, RedHat, RHEL | No Comments »

Installing IPA on RHEL 7 and utilizing an Active Directory Trust

This document is dependent on the following assumptions: NetBIOS names of the IPA domain and AD domain must be different. In addtion, NetBIOS names of the IPA server and AD DC server must be different. Encoredev.local is the AD domain encoredev1.encoredev.local will host this domain and associated DNS Linux.local is the IPA domain ipa1.linux.local will […]

Posted in IPA, Linux, RedHat, RHEL | No Comments »

