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Minio – 100% S3 compatible, free, open-source, object-based storage now ready for prime time!

AB of Gluster fame, is off working on another kick-butt storage project. Again, its in the Software Defined Storage realm, this time its called Minio! A play on the minimal-io phrase/mindset. Written in go, the focus is a simple, easy to deploy and use 100% S3 compatible, object based storage platform. I talked about this […]

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Awesome new open source Object based storage similar to S3/Haystack – Minio!

The Minio project is inspired by Amazon’s S3 for its API and Facebook’s Haystack for its immutable data structure. You can track, check-out and even contribute to the project here at their GitHub. Like Hadoop, expensive RAID controllers are not needed. Instead they are using Rubberband Erasure Coding to dynamically protect the data. Simplification of installation, configuration, […]

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