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After Updating the IBM PureFlex CMM Firmware, Compute Nodes Show VPD Unavailable

After Updating the IBM PureFlex CMM Firmware, my compute nodes showed up yellow on the chassis layout screen: Various errors were logged in the CMM event viewer and within the FSM: Flex System Manager (FSM) event log: Node nodexx device Addin cards[05] VPD is not valid.Node nodexx device Storage back plane[01] VPD is not available. […]

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Posted in Cloud, IBM, PureFlex, PureSystems, Virtualization | 1 Comment »

Using Cisco UCS PowerTool to gather Model, Serial Number, Chassis and Blade Location

I’m finishing up a UCS deployment for a customer, one of the things I needed to gather was the Serial Number, Model, Chassis Number and Blade Location. Since I’ve been playing with Cisco’s PowerShell component called PowerTool; I figured I would use it. Here is the one-liner that I came up with: get-ucsblade | select […]

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Posted in Cisco, Cisco UCS, Cloud, Powershell, PowerTool | No Comments »

